Summer's End Blues or SAD?

Do you find yourself feeling mopey at the end of summer, when the days grow shorter and the sun makes less and less appearances? It's easy to brush off these symptoms by attributing them to the winter blues, but it is essential to take steps to keep your mood up and motivation high.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a specific kind of depression that relates to the changing of the seasons. SAD usually begins in the Fall, lasts throughout the winter, then tapers off in the spring. As stated by WebMD, SAD is more common in women and people who live far from the equator. The cause is still somewhat unknown, but most experts say that it is caused by the most obvious problem of lack of sunlight. When we experience less sunlight during the winter months, your circadian rhythms, or sleep-wake patterns, can be disrupted. Reduced rays can also negatively impact your serotonin levels, which are brain chemicals that affect mood.

Mental Health America provides an in depth look at the symptoms of SAD:

  • mood changes

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • sleep problems

  • lethargy

  • overeating

  • loss of libido

  • social problems

Bright light therapy boxes and phototherapy boxes (Happy lights) can offer an effective treatment for SAD. The Mayo Clinic advises, "If you're experiencing both SAD and bipolar disorder, the advisability and timing of using a light box should be carefully reviewed with your doctor. Increasing exposure too fast or using the light box for too long each time may induce manic symptoms if you have bipolar disorder.” For some people, light therapy might work best when combined with an antidepressant and regular sessions with a therapist.

Have a great light box recommendation? Or just want to tell us why you miss summer? Your comments are welcome!




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