Making Meditation a Priority

We brush our teeth every day. Many routines become natural for us - a part of our daily lives. Why can't mental health be the same? This is the first part of an ongoing series of adopting a "mentally healthy" lifestyle.

There is so much evidence to support that the mind and body is positively impacted by daily meditation. There is a reason why the practice of meditation has been around for hundreds of years. Huffington Post's Mindfulness Research Page is a great source for information on meditation and mental well being.

10 benefits of daily meditation:

1. It reduces stress.

2. It improves our working memory

3. It helps us process our emotions better

4. It improves body awareness

5. It improves self awareness

6. It improves our attention span

7. It makes us more compassionate

8. It lowers depression among pregnant women and teens

9. It helps with weight loss

10. It helps us sleep better


Changing the Stigma About Mental Health