Make Your Morning Routine More Successful
Before making any changes, evaluate your current morning routine.
If you're picturing a hurried image of yourself running from one task to the next as you scroll through the news on your phone and spill coffee down your shirt, this article is for you! The best thing about constructing a mindful morning is that the change doesn't have to be monumental, all it takes is a few minutes to make a huge difference.
1. Leave the phone alone
While quitting social media for good shouldn’t be completely out of the question, a great way to build a more mindful morning routine is to delay checking your social apps in the morning. This can be hard for many of us, especially if you run an online business or keep up profiles that feel like they require your full attention at all times. What you'll quickly find, however, is that avoiding social media in the morning will allow the calm of the night to carry on a little bit longer. Leave the phone alone (no matter who is calling) when you are in the process of gathering your things and getting ready to leave in the morning.
2. Give yourself some “me time”
If you’re an introvert, the concept of "me time" will ring much more true to you than if you’re an extrovert. Regardless, we all need some time to ourselves throughout the day, and the morning is often the easiest time to get it. It doesn’t matter what you do with this time, for the most part, so long as you take it. This time can be used for meditating, journaling, or simply taking the time to grab your favorite warm morning beverage and actually enjoy it.
3. Move before the rest of the world is awake
Running and walking are both great because they're accessible to most everyone, they can be your gateway to a healthier lifestyle, and they can even give you the momentum to design a whole new morning routine. Working out at your local gym, yoga class, or even biking to work, can all put you into this same mindful state, so find the movement that makes sense for you.
4. Be mindful
You can seek out moments of mindfulness in the mundane every single day. For example, take the first minute upon waking up to simply lie there without reaching for your phone. Or, if you prepare coffee or tea in the morning, close your eyes while the water boils instead of rushing around. This time is precious, and if when you build small pockets of mindfulness into your morning routine, you will be truly making the most of it. Mindfulness is merely paying attention and bringing your awareness to what is actually going on around you instead of being caught up in your head.
For more ways to create a successful morning routine, check out 11 Tips to Transform Your Morning Routine and Make Your Entire Day More Productive or 23 Things That Will Help You Create a Powerful Morning Routine
For more information on mindfulness visit the Mindfulness website on how two get started: