Nurturing Your Well-Being: Combatting Caregiver Burnout

Nurturing Your Well-Being: Combatting Caregiver Burnout

Being the primary caretaker for a loved one is a commendable but demanding role that can lead to caregiver burnout. This state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion, as defined by the American Psychological Association, can significantly impact your overall well-being.

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Envy: What it is, Why We Feel It, and How to Overcome It

Envy: What it is, Why We Feel It, and How to Overcome It

Envy is a complex and universal human emotion that has intrigued philosophers, psychologists, and storytellers for centuries. It's that nagging feeling that arises when we see someone else enjoying something we desire – whether it's their success, possessions, or happiness.

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Mentally Preparing Your Family for a Smooth Return to School

Mentally Preparing Your Family for a Smooth Return to School

As the end of summer draws near and a new school year looms on the horizon, households may experience a range of emotions. From excitement to apprehension, anxiety to nostalgia, the transition from a relaxed summer to a more structured academic routine can be challenging for parents and children alike.

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Overcoming Mental Blocks

Overcoming Mental Blocks

Successfully performing requires synchronicity between our minds and bodies. However, mental block symptoms such as performance anxiety and fear of performing the skill may arise when this state is not achieved. These blocks are usually caused by a lack of trust in one's skills, which can stem from various sources, such as fear of injury, fear of failure, aiming for perfection, or obsessing over past mistakes.

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The Practice of Self Compassion
Lenore Stine Lenore Stine

The Practice of Self Compassion

Self-compassion is the practice of treating oneself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance in times of difficulty or suffering. It is being gentle and supportive towards oneself, even when we make mistakes or experience challenges.

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