Importance of Socialization in the Elderly Community

Aging is the great inevitable fear of many Americans. Wrinkles, joint pain, gray hair, impaired vision and hearing all contribute to this fear. On top of all of that, elders often grow sad as a result of the losses of many of their friends and peers. This can seriously effect their emotional and physical well being, because it results in a fear of not only the aging process, but of death. 

Many experts say that seniors who are actively engaged in a social scene often extend their lifespan by years. Finally! An explanation for why those Florida assisted living facilities always seem to be poppin'! Retirement facilities not only provide elders with a safe, relaxing environment; they also create an atmosphere brimming with social activities, events and opportunities to keep their brains in shape.

Travanse Living points out that seniors who have a thriving social life are happier and generally don't face depression than those who are less social. And that whole Bingo joke at the assisted living facility? It's real. Group activities also help seniors keep their mood lifted and light.

Gerontologists have also found that group activities have a positive impact on elders. Group engagement offers unique cognitive abilities to those who participate in group life over those who engage in individual socialization. All socialization is helpful to seniors, but group activitiy is particularly beneficial.

Regardless of whether your loved one is in a retirement community or living at home, social interaction is key. Encourage them to join community groups, connect with friends, or take up a hobby.



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