Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

The theme for 2021 is KNOW YOUR WORTH!

Dating violence is more common than people think, especially among teens and young adults:

  • 1 in 3 teens in the US will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from someone within a relationship.

  • 43% of college women report experiencing violent or abusive dating behaviors.

Know Your Worth is all about learning about healthy relationships and self-empowerment! Every young person is deserving of a healthy and loving relationship.

There are a lot of types of abuse - mental, emotional, physical, sexual, and financial to name a few.

How to recognize signs of abuse:

  1. Most abuse is not apparent from the start - it starts out slowly and it’s called “grooming”. Grooming is a process where the perpetrator of the abuse very slowly gets the victim “used” to more and more abuse. They may apologize in between saying they are very sorry and won’t do it again.

  2. A big category is humiliating, negating and criticism

  3. Accusing, blaming and denial

  4. Control and shame

Look up the different types of mental abuse here

Most abuse is about power and control. It’s important to know your worth and know that you have some kind of power or determine a way to get more power.

Check out the abuse wheel here

Not sure that your relationship is healthy? Talk to a relationship advocate free of charge

Text LOVEIS to 22522 or call 866-331-9474 or chat live

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